Gene Edward Veith | WORLD
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Gene Edward Veith

Gene is a former WORLD culture editor.

Articles by Gene Edward Veith
Star Wars III: The Revenge of the Sith

Star Wars III: The Revenge of the Sith

Star Wars III is a worthy prequel and its theme of temptation and fall is of special interest to Christians

CBS decided to end the nine-year-running series while a lot of people still loved Raymond

Of weddings, technology, and providence

ABC's newest hit features a group of surgical interns learning real-world education


Two books expose the intolerance of "tolerant" relativists

Gene Edward Veith | Ron Sider speaks on abortion, health care, poverty, and calls for Democrats to move to the center on social issues

UPN is canceling Star Trek: Enterprise, the fifth series in the franchise

A smaller but purer church may actually have more influence

Sex, WORLD, and the Cosmo Girl

Gene Edward Veith | Writer Lauren Winner once counted herself among the many young evangelicals who approve of premarital sex.