Courtney Crandell | WORLD
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Courtney Crandell

Courtney is a former WORLD correspondent.

Articles by Courtney Crandell
StemExpress: 'We still need more'

StemExpress: 'We still need more'

In latest undercover video, the company’s CEO says she could use up to 50 more fetal livers a week

In latest undercover video, Planned Parenthood executive at Houston facility explains why whole aborted babies bring higher prices from tissue buyers

In latest video from the Center for Medical Progress, Planned Parenthood director talks about per-item price for aborted baby parts


In latest undercover video, Planned Parenthood executive says she doesn’t want to ‘lowball’ prices for baby parts

After undercover sting reveals practice of harvesting baby body parts for research, abortion giant claims it doesn’t profit

Undercover video sting reveals abortion giant operates illegal tissue-trafficking scheme