The high court begins its new term with three justices who have yet to draw their lines in the sand
Senate debate over Sonia Sotomayor's nomination begins with a slightly bipartisan victory expected
A dozen Democrats and one Republican move President Obama's nominee one step closer to confirmation
Despite a delayed vote, Sonia Sotomayor continues on her path toward confirmation
Even after this week's hearings, conservatives still wonder where she really stands on the issues
Senators stick to party lines in questioning Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor at her first hearing
Emily Belz | Likely future high-court colleagues rule in firefighters' favor
Chief Justice John Roberts leads a decision that dispenses with civil rights era election law in the South
Edward Lee Pitts | The right and left may be nervous about Sotomayor, but confirmation is not in doubt
Edward Lee Pitts | Obama wants empathy on the high court, but "people are not looking for Oprah to be the next justice," say conservatives