Supreme Court | WORLD
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Legal Docket: Religious liberty disputes in lower courts

Legal Docket: Religious liberty disputes in lower courts

Despite clear direction from the Supreme Court, religious liberty cases are still bubbling up

Brad Littlejohn | The Supreme Court’s action was a rightful exercise of constitutional government.

Adeline A. Allen | The poisonous rhetoric of the Roe regime

Kelly Shackelford | Attacks on the U.S. Supreme Court endanger our constitutional republic


Justice Amy Coney Barrett delivered an address in April ​​at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Center and Institute

Samuel D. James | The desperation of pro-abortion activists is showing

Dean Nelson | By all accounts, the justice refuses to hate back

Brad Littlejohn | The Dobbs decision represented a return to text, tradition, and restraint

How is public opinion on abortion changing?

Daniel Darling | A recent poll refutes the liberal press and reveals more than one narrative