Emily Belz | The Supreme Court takes on Arizona immigration hiring laws, the legality of school choice initiatives, and prisoners' religious liberty rights
The Justice Department's inspector general opens a broad investigation into voting rights enforcement
Lawyers fight back after police bar students from quietly praying on the Supreme Court steps
Emily Belz | Can a school tell a student group to accept 'all comers,' even those at odds with the group's purpose, as a basis for recognition?
Lynn Vincent | In the first weeks of a new term, the high court meditates on bad words, Gnostic gambits, dolphin rights, and compulsory union payments
The U.S.
Lynn Vincent | How a trio of pastors sparked the movement to give California voters the last word on same-sex marriage in their state
Supreme Court sides with pro-lifers to ban partial-birth procedure
Mark Bergin | Last year's judicial blow to intelligent design came straight from ACLU attorneys
Stewart Rutledge | Drug companies and their patents are not the enemies in the war against AIDS