Persecution | WORLD
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Wives of Chinese torture victims beg Congress for help

Human rights lawyers imprisoned, brutalized for challenging oppression

Analysts say prime minister’s failure to protect religious minorities contradicts his promises

What Japan’s 16th-century hidden Christians can offer 21st-century Christians living in a hostile culture

The two men are the last to be released in case involving aid for a burn victim


Analysts fear the blasphemy case will embolden Muslim hardliners to radicalize once-moderate Indonesia

President Xi Jinping’s crackdown on Christians continues under guise of protecting national security

Mindy Belz | Christians forced to live for years under Islamic State tell of forcible conversions, torture, and sexual slavery. Will their lives ever return to normal?

There’s a connection between cultural drift and a world aflame

A new report calls for clear U.S. foreign policy on international religious freedom

Under Caesar’s Sword (UCS) project outlines ways churches, governments, NGOs, businesses, and even the media can help