International | WORLD
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Out with the new, in with the old

Russ Pulliam | This troubled nation needs to return to its past before charting its future

Mindy Belz | Embassy bombing is a sobering sign of new tactics against coalition forces

Lynn Vincent | As Congress considers legislation to deal with undocumented workers, border-patrol agents fight smugglers who risk the lives of their human cargo

Mindy Belz | Under pressure from the White House, a congressional report on terrorism omits the House of Saud's close ties to the militant Wahhabis who now threaten even Saudi Arabia


Are Nicaragua's sugar cane workers, who pick sugar that makes its way to the United States, being poisoned by their employer?

Mindy Belz | The embattled Franklin Graham sends aid to Iraq despite a welter of hand-wringing over what it will do to Muslim-Christian relations

Priya Abraham | Violence against Christians is giving way to repression by legislation in the world's most populous Muslim country

Edward E. Plowman | Whoa, Canada.

Mindy Belz | A ban of an indigenous-language Bible in Malaysia went all the way to the prime minister's office.