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Five for fighting

Priya Abraham |

Mindy Belz | IRAQ: In the scandal over missing weapons of mass destruction, did George Bush lie?

Mindy Belz | SUDAN: For Islamists in Khartoum, only Arab Muslims are Muslim enough

Bob Jones | HEALTH: China health officials respond quickly on reports of a new SARS case, but its reappearance raises fears that the deadly virus could show up regularly


Bob Jones | MIDDLE EAST: Iraq war critics may never acknowledge it, but isn't it possible that the capture of Saddam Hussein might have sparked momentum for peace in the region?

Mindy Belz | AFGHANISTAN: Despite Washington's happy appraisal, human-rights activists decry the new Afghan constitution-and the precedent it may set for the future of Iraq

Mindy Belz | MILITARY: It's a guerrilla war out there, and nearly all of that trauma passes through the hospital doors at Camp Anaconda

Mindy Belz | IRAQ: Postwar Iraqis are struggling to light their homes and fuel their cars, but few would trade today's hardships for yesterday's dictator

Mindy Belz | LETTER FROM IRAQ: As anti-war protesters posture for the cameras, Iraqis say their daily lives-though difficult-are better now since their liberation from Saddam