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Repression made in China

Mindy Belz | While they still can, citizens are fighting a new bill of "rights" Beijing seeks to impose on the Legislative Council; it amounts, as the local Catholic bishop puts it, to injustice stabilized by oppression

Priya Abraham | Venezuelans brace for more trouble as strikers face crackdown

Mindy Belz | With the world's attention focused on Iraq, a high-level defector claims that Iranian officials were involved in 9/11 planning


Susan Olasky | Author Paul Theroux returns to Africa and raises troubling questions about Western relief work on the continent

Edward E. Plowman | Canada's new bill, C-250, would add homosexuals to groups protected from hate speech if approved

Greg Dabel | Members of the lower caste stage a quiet revolution against laws prohibiting religious conversion

German press liberals fan an anti-Bush spark from The New York Times into an anti-American inferno

Mindy Belz | Cairo's poverty-stricken garbage villages are breeding grounds for Islamic extremism, but brave Christians offer hope to the poor

Mindy Belz | Australians resist head of state John Howard's determination to be named in the "coalition of the willing"