Some opponents of abortion break away from the pro-life movement in favor of direct challenges to the practice of abortion
The Schindlers’ allies keep ramping up their rescue efforts, but Terri is slowly fading
BACKSTORY | The fight to protect unborn babies didn’t end with Roe
Carolina Lumetta | Pro-life groups scramble to adapt to a new political landscape post-Dobbs
Addie Offereins | Pro-lifers seek new strategies to fight the expansion of abortion pill access
Leah Savas | Abortion activists blame pregnant moms’ serious medical complications on laws that protect the unborn. But pro-life doctors say abortion isn’t the only solution when pregnancies go wrong
How a tiny preemie taught me the truth about abortion
Leah Savas | Distinct Biblical and historical interpretations motivate a movement of abortion abolitionists—and divide them from mainstream pro-lifers
BACKGROUNDER | Clearing up confusion over medical and popular definitions of abortion and miscarriage
Even after Terri’s death, her legacy continues to play out in her family’s life…and around the world