Pro-Life | WORLD
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See no evil

Lynn Vincent | Violence against pro-life activists goes unreported by the mainstream media

Jamie Dean | How far should pro-life advocates go in working with "abortion grays" to reduce the number of abortions?

Lynn Vincent | With a 107-count criminal complaint, Planned Parenthood and one of the nation's toughest laws on abortion face landmark test

Clint Rainey | The Faskes, like other families, adopt, adopt, and adopt some more


Lynn Vincent | Missouri bill takes those who earn money on abortion out of the sex-ed business

Lynn Vincent | A gymnastics star is testimony to a mom who never saw saving her son or herself as a "choice" when illness threatened

Amnesty International bows to pressure from pro-abortion forces-and loses allies

Lynn Vincent | The Supreme Court's ruling on partial-birth abortion-and especially its clear description of the horrifying procedure-may give momentum to pro-life legislation across the country

Lynn Vincent | Does abortion negatively affect women?

Jamie Dean | South Carolina lawmakers hope an ultrasound law will persuade women to choose life