Pro-Life | WORLD
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A spring in the march

Emily Belz | Young pro-lifers showed up in large numbers at the annual March for Life

Brian T. Johnson | At a hearing in Kansas, late-term abortionist George Tiller attempts to put the trial against him on trial

Both pro-life and pro-abortion groups react to President Obama's reversal of the executive order known as the Mexico City Policy

Tens of thousands of abortion opponents rallied Thursday in Washington to mark the 36th anniversary of Roe v.


Alisa Harris | A statement of dissent at the UN, a victory in west Texas, and other pro-life news

Lynn Vincent | African-Americans are fighting the high toll of abortion in their own community by developing compassionate alternatives

Lynn Vincent | When it comes to abortion, some Hispanics are becoming a bit too assimilated

Lynn Vincent | Undercover videos shot in Indiana Planned Parenthood clinics trigger firings, possible state probe

Lynn Vincent | Federal Freedom of Choice Act may reverse some of the gains made against abortion on the state level

Marvin Olasky | Pro-lifers in the 19th century overcame staggering abortion rates and saved lives; here's how they did it