Pro-Life | WORLD
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Abortion & recovery

Marvin Olasky | Finding peace and forgiveness three decades after two important decisions

Mark Bergin | Congree eyes midterm elections in filling its 2006 plate with an agenda designed to please the voters' palates

Lynn Vincent | Publisher-activist Jim Holman is a black sheep in the left-wing alternative-weekly fold

Jamie Dean | Abortion views move to back burner as nominee has his own day in court


Russ Pulliam | The Bush administration's Wade Horn pushes marriage as an important weapon in the war on poverty

Lynn Vincent | New evidence suggests that some clinics are violating federal law by killing children who survive abortions

Lynn Vincent | A gruesome Florida abortion saga reveals sordid-and possibly illegal-practices in late-term procedures

Mark Bergin | Democrats for Life may be gaining some traction in their party

Lynn Vincent | Mother tells how clinic workers left her born-alive infant to die

Lynn Vincent | Young mothers describe how ultrasound technology persuaded them to choose life for their children