Despite pushback, research shows that cohabitation is globally less stable for kids
State Department cites agency’s involvement with China as one reason for the decision
State governing body for high school sports must figure out how to protect competition and fairness
Compromise legislation enacted to repeal parts of bathroom bill
Sophia Lee | Many transgender persons regret what they did to their bodies and souls, and some are pleading that others not repeat their mistake
Sophia Lee | Walt Heyer is a man again, and he has a manly purpose: protect the vulnerable from the transgender movement
Choking on transgender complications
The 15 counts against David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt stem from their undercover investigation into Planned Parenthood
Pro-life leaders hope bill will eventually help promote an abortion-reversal procedure
Jamie Dean | Some say the growing rush to label children ‘transgender’ promotes physician-approved child abuse. But speaking out against the practice provokes ire. Who will defend the vulnerable?