Cosby found guilty of sexual assault | WORLD
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Cosby found guilty of sexual assault

Bill Cosby arrives at the courthouse for his sexual assault trial Thursday. Associated Press/Photo by Matt Slocum

Cosby found guilty of sexual assault

A jury found Bill Cosby guilty Thursday in the 2004 drugging and molestation of Andrea Constand, one of numerous women who claim the comedian and actor abused her in past years. Cosby could get 10 years in prison for each of three charges of aggravated indecent assault, though sentencing guidelines mean he will probably get less. It is still possible, given his age, that the 80-year-old will die behind bars. The guilty verdict vindicates prosecutors’ decision to retry Cosby after a trial last year ended without a verdict. This time around, Judge Steven O’Neill allowed the presentation of more evidence, including testimony from four more of Cosby’s accusers than in the first trial and the details of a 2006 civil settlement between Cosby and Constand. The panel of seven men and five women reached a verdict after deliberating 14 hours over two days. After the verdict, as Assistant Prosecutor Kevin Steele argued for Cosby’s bail to be revoked because he might flee the country, Cosby blurted out that he didn’t have a plane and called Steele an expletive. The judge ruled Cosby can remain free pending sentencing, which will come at a later date.

Lynde Langdon

Lynde is WORLD’s executive editor for news. She is a graduate of World Journalism Institute, the Missouri School of Journalism, and the University of Missouri–St. Louis. Lynde resides with her family in Wichita, Kan.


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