Religious Liberty | WORLD
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Are false “hate” labels here to stay?

Kristen Waggoner | The Supreme Court won’t take up a defamation case involving the SPLC, but the fight is not over

Daniel R. Suhr | A Supreme Court ruling finishes off a flawed test of faith in the public square

A university’s issuance of no-contact orders violated free speech, judge says

Supreme Court rulings advance protections for public expressions of faith


The Supreme Court held that a public-school football coach has a constitutional right to say a personal prayer midfield after a game

The former British colony marks the 25th anniversary under Chinese rule amid celebrations and suppression

Human Race: Supreme Court rules in favor of praying high school football coach

Education: Court green-lights a Maine program allowing parents to direct tuition assistance to school of choice

Erin Hawley | New York aims an attack at Yeshiva University

The official shared his religious beliefs about gay marriage and Islam online