Andrew T. Walker | Religious freedom is no blank check for the celebration of evil
IN THE NEWS | Censuring of conservative clergy points to larger tensions in the Roman Catholic Church
Proposal would require kids who identify as LGBTQ to be placed with foster parents who support their preferred sexual orientation and gender identity
Ayaan Hirsi Ali may be coming to Christ in an unexpected way
Detachment from reality is not the solution to suffering
Lael Weinberger | The “ministerial exception” is a necessary protection for religious liberty
Bethel McGrew | Christianity is not reducible to liberal values
Miles Smith | Progressives forget the slogan “never again” for the Uyghur genocide and the left’s anti-Semitism
A district court in Seattle rules against Christian aid group World Vision for rescinding a job offer based on the applicant’s noncompliance with a religious code of conduct
Ray Hacke | Humbled in defeat, Deion Sanders could be headed for bigger things