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Bethlehem College, seminary establishing Brian Tabb as president

Dr. Brian Tabb Provided by Bethlehem College and Seminary

Bethlehem College, seminary establishing Brian Tabb as president

Longtime Biblical studies professor Brian J. Tabb will become the institute’s third president during an inauguration ceremony in October, the school recently announced. Tabb has served as Bethlehem’s academic dean in recent years. He led the Minneapolis-based institution as its interim president from April 2023 to February 2024. The school offers undergraduate and graduate degrees on the model of classical and Christian education. The seminary—which also has a location in western Africa’s Republic of Cameroon — focuses on preparing Biblical elders for ministry.

What is Tabb’s background? Tabb graduated from Wheaton College with a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and a minor in Bible and Theology, according to Bethlehem’s website. He holds master’s degrees from Luther Seminary, Wheaton College, and Bethlehem. He earned a doctorate degree in the New Testament from the London School of Theology. He has written seven books, including After Emmaus: How the Church Fulfills the Mission of Christ.

What are the plans for the event? Pastor and Bethlehem Chancellor John Piper will speak at the Oct. 7 event. Bethlehem will also host D.A. Carson, the co-founder of The Gospel Coalition, as a special guest. Other speakers named are Marshall Segal, president and CEO of Desiring God Ministries; Kenny Stokes, pastor for Preaching and Vision of Bethlehem Baptist Church; and Steven Lee, pastor for Preaching and Vision of The North Church. Bethlehem and The North Church are the governing churches of Bethlehem College and Seminary.

Dig deeper: Read Elizabeth Russell’s report in WORLD Magazine about how there are lean years ahead for Christian higher education.

Josh Schumacher

Josh is a breaking news reporter for WORLD. He’s a graduate of World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College.

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