Ray Hacke | Humbled in defeat, Deion Sanders could be headed for bigger things
Samuel D. James | Sixty years later, C.S. Lewis speaks to the needs of our times
Samuel D. James | New believers such as Ayaan Hirsi Ali won’t always have the right words yet
Christiana Kiefer | Five ways the church can be the hands and feet of Christ
A Presbyterian pastor in Seattle reflects on the mistakes that led to the demise of his church
Caleb Morell | We must practice theological triage and defend the church against error
Katelyn Walls Shelton | It’s time for the church to tell the truth about birth control as a moral and theological issue
Jordan J. Ballor | Another look at Abraham Kuyper and the clash between Christianity and Modernism
Steven Wedgeworth | Halloween can be about something bigger than ghosts, goblins, and gummy bears