Evangelicalism | WORLD
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Let’s return to virtue

Brad Littlejohn | It’s a good time for Christians to take vice seriously

Maria Baer | Being the family of God—if we’re doing it right—is going to be messy

D.G. Hart | Historians may be changing the way they look at contemporary evangelicalism

George Yancey | Hyperbolic attacks on “Christian nationalism” do nothing to make our country less polarized


Carl R. Trueman | Christians should look to the great confessions of the past to keep our priorities straight in the present

Joe Rigney | Have evangelicals become too afraid of being called political partisans?

Jerry Bowyer | Most evangelicals are storming the gates of hell, not the gates of the Capitol

Joe Rigney | A response to the “He Gets Us” Super Bowl commercial does a much better job of pre-evangelism

Obbie Tyler Todd | Don’t get too nostalgic—every era has its own pattern of sin

Andrew T. Walker | Rob Reiner’s God & Country is the hit piece you expected it to be