Denominations | WORLD
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The United Methodist crisis goes critical

The United Methodist crisis goes critical

Mark Tooley | The UMC split carries big lessons for American Christianity

Presbyterians gather in Memphis, TN for the 50th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America

Caleb Morell | Have we learned anything from the Northern Baptist debacle 100 years ago?


The theologian and author brought Reformed and evangelistic ministry to New York City

Mark Tooley | United Methodist disaffiliations accelerate as end-of-year deadline approaches

R. Albert Mohler Jr. | Watching and hearing the coronation of King Charles III

Calvin Robinson | Nature abhors a vacuum, and Islam is filling one in the West

Barton J. Gingerich | Western heresy prompts the beginning of a historic reordering of Anglicanism

Steven Wedgeworth | Its global churches have a choice: contemporary revisionism or the “historic faith passed down from the Apostles”