Thaddeus Williams | Pro-lifers need to be ready to counter it
His Way helps men break free from addiction through a Christ-centered residential program
This ministry helps men and women overcome addiction in a family environment
LifePlan is a pregnancy center that focuses on strengthening the whole family
Next Step is a ministry providing employment, housing, and discipleship
Thousands more applications are pending
The president resigns and flees the island nation, while the prime minister plans to resign next week
Addie Offereins | GOOD SAMARITAN REHABILITATION: Northwest Hope Awards winner helps men and women overcome addiction in a family environment
Addie Offereins | HIS WAY: Southeast Hope Awards winner helps men break free from addiction through a Christ-centered residential program
Addie Offereins | LIFEPLAN: Northeast Hope Awards winner is a pregnancy center that focuses on holistic Biblical sexuality as well as providing services to women