Trump agrees to FBI interview about assassination attempt | WORLD
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Trump agrees to FBI interview about assassination attempt

Trump agrees to FBI interview about assassination attempt

FBI agents have asked former President Donald Trump for an interview regarding the attempt on his life at a Pennsylvania campaign rally, the FBI confirmed to WORLD on Monday. FBI special agent Kevin Rojek told reporters in a press call that the conversation would be a standard victim interview. The FBI did not say when or where the interview would take place.

What does the FBI already know about the assassination attempt? Within days of the shooting, said it had conducted more than a hundred interviews with law enforcement personnel, rally attendees, and witnesses. Twenty-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks on July 13 opened fire on Trump from a rooftop while the former president spoke onstage at a rally in Butler, Pa. Bullets grazed Trump’s right ear, killed an attendee, and severely injured two other people at the rally. The Secret Service fatally shot Crooks just moments after he opened fire.

Dig deeper: Read Travis K. Kircher’s report about how Crooks was studying the details of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination in 1963 before he tried to kill Trump.

Josh Schumacher

Josh is a breaking news reporter for WORLD. He’s a graduate of World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College.

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