Trump adviser Hope Hicks to testify before Jan. 6 committee | WORLD
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Trump adviser Hope Hicks to testify before Jan. 6 committee

January 6th Committee Vice Chair Liz Cheney on Oct. 13 Associated Press/Photo by J. Scott Applewhite, file

Trump adviser Hope Hicks to testify before Jan. 6 committee

The former adviser to President Donald Trump was scheduled to testify before the House committee on Tuesday, multiple news outlets reported. Hicks served as an interim Trump White House communications director. She left the office six days after the capital riot. She previously refused to answer questions about working for the president when testifying before lawmakers in 2019.

Who else is supposed to testify? The committee subpoenaed Trump on Oct. 13 to testify and provide documents but formally issued the subpoena eight days later. On that same day, former Trump adviser Steve Bannon received a sentence of 4 months behind bars for defying a subpoena to appear before the committee and failing to hand over documents. Bannon is appealing his case.

Dig deeper: Read Carolina Lumetta’s report in WORLD magazine about the key Senate races for 2022 and how Trump has factored into election discussions.

Josh Schumacher

Josh is a breaking news reporter for WORLD. He’s a graduate of World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College.

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