Secret Service investigates cocaine at White House | WORLD
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Secret Service investigates cocaine at White House

Police are seen outside the White House grounds, Sunday night, July 2, after the discovery of the cocaine. Associated Press/Photo by Anthony Peltier

Secret Service investigates cocaine at White House

Authorities said Wednesday that a laboratory analysis confirmed a package discovered at the White House on Sunday contained cocaine. The substance tested positive for cocaine soon after its discovery, but investigators sent it for a full analysis in a laboratory setting.

What was cocaine doing in the White House? The Secret Service is combing through security camera footage and visitor logs to determine who might have dropped off the cocaine. Agents reportedly found it in an area in the West Wing where staff and guests store mobile phones. The discovery of the package incited a brief evacuation of the White House. President Joe Biden was at the Camp David presidential retreat in Maryland at the time.

Dig deeper: Read my report in The Sift from earlier this year about a man who attempted to attack the White House in a U-Haul.

Josh Schumacher

Josh is a breaking news reporter for WORLD. He’s a graduate of World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College.

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