Republicans flip Pennsylvania seat, House creeps toward GOP… | WORLD
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Republicans flip Pennsylvania seat, House creeps toward GOP control

GOP candidate Ryan Mackenzie won the race to represent Pennsylvania’s 7th Congressional District with nearly 51% of the vote, the Associated Press said Thursday afternoon. Mackenzie unseated incumbent Democratic Rep. Susan Wild with about a 1% edge. The win marks another seat gained by Republicans, who currently claim 210 seats in the U.S. House of Representatives, with Democrats holding 198 seats, the Associated Press said Thursday.

When will the majority be decided? Each side is still short of the 218 seats needed to claim chamber majority as election workers continue tallying ballots days after the Nov 5. vote. Republicans are fighting to keep their majority in the House. Uncalled House races in Pennsylvania, Nebraska, Ohio, and Arizona garnered national attention with less than a few percentage points separating candidates.

How many Senate seats are still undecided? Only two seats in the U.S. Senate are still up for grabs, the Associated Press said Thursday afternoon. Republicans won the chamber’s majority earlier in the week by taking at least three seats from Democrats and making a 53-45 split.

Dig deeper: Read Josh Schumacher’s report on another Pennsylvania seat flipped by Republicans.

Christina Grube

Christina Grube is a graduate of the World Journalism Institute.

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