New Hampshire announces first 2024 primary date | WORLD
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New Hampshire announces first 2024 primary date

A historical marker stands outside the Statehouse in Concord, New Hampshire. Associated Press/Photo by Holly Ramer

New Hampshire announces first 2024 primary date

New Hampshire’s Secretary of State David Scanlan on Wednesday said the state would hold its presidential primary for the 2024 election on Jan. 23. The move comes after the Democratic National Committee scheduled South Carolina to be the first primary on Feb. 3. Republicans in Iowa will hold their caucus on Jan. 15.

Why is New Hampshire fighting with the DNC for the first spot? Scanlan said in his announcement that New Hampshire has a tradition that has lasted more than 100 years of being the first presidential primary. He added that state law says its presidential primary must be at least a week before every similar event in other states. The Democratic National Committee had said putting South Carolina first would better support minority voters. Scanlan said candidates have an easier time getting on the ballot in his state.

Dig deeper: Read Carolina Lumetta’s report in WORLD Magazine about the Democratic National Committee’s decision to hold its first primary in South Carolina.

Josh Schumacher

Josh is a breaking news reporter for WORLD. He’s a graduate of World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College.

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