Kennedy family members rally to support Biden over RFK Jr. | WORLD
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Kennedy family members rally to support Biden over RFK Jr.

Numerous members of the historic Kennedy family endorsed President Joe Biden’s 2024 reelection campaign on Thursday during a campaign stop in Philidelphia. Lawyer Kerry Kennedy, daughter of Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy and niece of President John F. Kennedy, spoke for other family members supporting Biden at the rally. Their endorsements of Biden come as Kerry’s older brother Robert F. Kennedy Jr. runs for president as an independent candidate. Kerry’s siblings Kathleen, Rory, Joseph, Christopher, and Max stood behind her as she formally endorsed Biden. “Nearly every single grandchild of Joe and Rose Kennedy supports Joe Biden,” Kerry said. Former President Donald Trump’s behavior would have horrified her father, Kerry said. 

Biden took the stage after Kerry and shared how RFK’s passion and courage inspired him from a young age. The Kennedy family endorsement is an incredible honor, Biden said. The president has maintained close ties with the politically dynastic family, celebrating St. Patrick’s Day at the White House with dozens of members of the Irish-American family in attendance.

Have JFK’s kids endorse Biden? Caroline Kennedy, last living child of the assassinated president, reportedly will not give any endorsement due to her non-political role as Biden’s U.S. Ambassador to Australia.

Has Robert F. Kennedy commented on Biden’s endorsements? The independent candidate is pleased his family is carrying the family tradition of political activism, he wrote on social media. Kennedy added that while the family is divided politically, they are united in their love for one another.

What other big-name support has Biden received? As expected, former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton endorsed Biden. Sen. Bernie Sanders has also publicly endorsed Biden’s 2024 run. Artist Lin-Manuel Miranda, the creator of the musical Hamilton, has also backed Biden, organizing a Broadway for Biden fundraiser back in March.

Dig deeper: Read my report on Vice President Kamala Harris visiting an abortion facility as the Biden campaign continues emphasizing abortion rhetoric ahead of the 2024 election.

Christina Grube

Christina Grube is a graduate of the World Journalism Institute.

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