Hezbollah launches dozens of rockets at Israel | WORLD
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Hezbollah launches dozens of rockets at Israel

A man sifts through the rubble of a destroyed house in Katzrin in the Golan Heights on Wednesday. Associated Press/Photo by Ariel Schalit

Hezbollah launches dozens of rockets at Israel

The Lebanon-based terrorist group on Wednesday launched about 50 missiles at the town of Katzrin in the Golan Heights area, the Israel Defense Forces said. Israel’s air defenses intercepted many of the missiles, but some fragments did fall to Katzrin, the IDF said in a later statement. Even so, no casualties resulted from the attack, the IDF added.

Why the attack all of a sudden? Hezbollah’s attack followed an Israeli Air Force attack in the Beit Leaf area of Southern Lebanon, the IDF said. Israel and Hezbollah have exchanged airstrikes ever since Hezbollah attacked Israel on Oct. 8, 2023, the day after Hamas militants killed roughly 1,200 people in Southern Israel. Just last month, a Hezbollah airstrike killed a dozen children at a soccer match in Golan Heights. Israel retaliated the next day by killing one of Hezbollah’s top commanders in Beirut.

Dig deeper: Read my report about how Hezbollah is a stronger fighting force than the Gaza-based terrorist group Hamas, and how that poses different challenges to Israel.

Josh Schumacher

Josh is a breaking news reporter for WORLD. He’s a graduate of World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College.

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