Hezbollah commander killed in retaliatory strike | WORLD
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Hezbollah commander killed in retaliatory strike

Rubble from an Israeli drone strike in Beirut on Tuesday Associated Press/Photo by Hussein Malla

Hezbollah commander killed in retaliatory strike

The Israel Defense Forces said Tuesday that a missile strike on a suburb of Beirut killed the terrorist responsible for a weekend attack on a soccer field in the Golan Heights. The attack by the Lebanon-based terror group on Saturday killed 12 children. Tuesday’s retaliatory strike eliminated Fuad Shukr “Sayyid Muhsan,” a top Hezbollah commander, the IDF said in a statement. Like Hamas, the terror group that Israel is fighting in the southern territory of Gaza, Hezbollah receives funding and support from Iran. The United States recognizes Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights, a disputed area in the northern part of the country.

Is the war in Israel expanding? It’s unclear what will happen next, but a counterattack from Hezbollah is expected. Lebanon’s National News Agency said Israel crossed the red line with the retaliatory strike. Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant wrote on social media that Hezbollah crossed the red line first. Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir put it this way: Every dog has its day. Secretary of Consular Affairs Rena Bitter urged Americans not to travel to the region in a Tuesday video citing concerns of increased regional conflict. The U.S. Embassy in Beirut issued a security alert on Sunday also urging citizens to reconsider traveling to the country.

Dig deeper: Read my report about Hezbollah’s fatal strike on northern Israel over the weekend.

Christina Grube

Christina Grube is a graduate of the World Journalism Institute.

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