DOD issues new cybersecurity strategy for U.S. defense… | WORLD
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DOD issues new cybersecurity strategy for U.S. defense industry

The Pentagon seen from the air in March 2022. Associated Press/Photo by Patrick Semansky, file

DOD issues new cybersecurity strategy for U.S. defense industry

The Department of Defense on Thursday published its latest “Defense Industrial Base Cybersecurity Strategy” outlining cyber defense goals for the next three fiscal years. The document summarizes the strategy the DOD will pursue to protect companies providing national security products to the government from cyber attacks and information theft.

What goals does the DOD list for doing this? According to the document, the DOD aims to increase its control over the defense industrial base’s cybersecurity structure and enhance the industrial base’s cybersecurity posture. The department also aims to strengthen its cooperation with the industry and boost its ability to withstand cyber attacks.

Why is the DOD doing all this? The Department of Defense said Thursday’s cybersecurity strategy aligned with the objectives outlined in the White House’s ”2023 National Cybersecurity Strategy”, released last March. That strategy aimed to remove the responsibility for cybersecurity from individuals and small businesses and give it to organizations better equipped to handle that responsibility.

The strategy also aimed to defend U.S. critical infrastructure and disrupt and dismantle nefarious actors. Additionally, it mandated that the government work to shape market forces to increase cybersecurity and invest in the cybersecurity market. The strategy also encouraged the government to work with international partners to bolster cybersecurity.

In July 2023, the White House rolled out an implementation plan for achieving the objectives outlined in that overarching cybersecurity strategy. At least 20 of the nearly 70 objectives outlined in the 2023 strategy had been achieved, and the government has made significant progress on the remaining ones, according to a statement from the White House earlier this month.

What other steps are being taken to protect the U.S. defense industry? The DOD released a “National Defense Industrial Strategy” late last year. That document outlines the department’s objectives for creating more resilient supply chains and better workforce development programs within the defense industry. It also focuses on ensuring U.S. forces can maintain cutting-edge battlefield hardware with reduced production costs and development times. Additionally, it aims to put in place market mechanisms to ensure that U.S. defense manufacturers can compete with products from countries like the People’s Republic of China.

Dig deeper: From the WORLD archives, listen to a report on The World and Everything in It podcast about the United States’ efforts to protect the manufacturing industry for semiconductor chips used in advanced warfare systems.

Josh Schumacher

Josh is a breaking news reporter for WORLD. He’s a graduate of World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College.

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