LYNN: Four Schindlers are crammed into a Toyota 4Runner—Bob, Mary, Bobby, and Suzanne. Suzanne’s husband, Michael Vitadamo, is driving. They’re speeding from Pinellas Park, Florida to Plant City, 43 miles away. The trip is part of a desperate rescue attempt.
COSBY: This week a stunning decision by the Florida courts on a life-or-death situation. A feeding tube was the only thing keeping Terri Schiavo alive after a heart attack 13 years ago. This week, her husband won a court battle against Terri’s family to have the tube removed this past Wednesday…
After the October 2002 PVS trial, Judge George Greer ordered Michael Schiavo to remove Terri’s feeding tube that following January. Then, Greer stayed his own ruling, giving the Schindlers a chance to appeal. They did—all the way to the Florida Supreme Court.
They lost every step of the way.
Now, Terri’s feeding tube is out, and after a solid year of setbacks for the Schindlers, this seemed like the end…until they learned that Governor Jeb Bush was in the area. He’d come for a groundbreaking ceremony in Plant City.
They’d heard this news outside Florida Hospice of the Suncoast, from a tall, lanky man wearing cowboy boots and a suit. The man had handed a cell phone to Suzanne. Call the governor, he said. Ask for a meeting. Maybe the governor could intervene—and save Terri.
Suzanne did. And a few minutes later, a secretary called back: Jeb Bush would see them.
Now, the four Schindlers are flying down the freeway toward Plant City in that Forerunner. The man in the suit and cowboy boots is folded into the third-row seat.
LYNN: There’s no time to lose.
COSBY: Doctors say Terri will die within two weeks. Now, Terri’s family is in a race against the clock to reverse that decision and have the tube reinserted…
LYNN: From WORLD Radio, and the creative team that brings you The World and Everything in It: This is Lawless. I’m New York Times bestselling author and WORLD Magazine executive editor Lynn Vincent.
ANNA: And I’m WORLD Radio Features Editor, Anna Johansen Brown. Lawless is a true crime podcast that examines a frightening fact of American life: That not every crime is against the law. In Season 2, we’re finishing our investigation of the Terri Schiavo story, a case that in 2005 shocked the world.
LYNN: This is Episode 3: No More Rabbits.
SPONSORSHIP SPOT: Lawless is made possible by listeners like you. Additional support comes from Compelled Podcast. Listen to unique and compelling testimonies like Virginia Prodan, a human rights attorney in Communist Romania who came face-to-face with an assassin sent to kill her for defending Christians. Listen on your favorite podcast app or at CompelledPodcast.com.
ANNA: After Judge Greer orders Terri’s feeding tube removed in November 2002, Pat Anderson and Tom Brodersen work night and day to fight it. Brodersen says the pace is exhausting.
BRODERSON: Pat went to bed, worried sick about what is she going to come up with, to protect Terri?
ANNA: The Schindlers fight back with every weapon they can find. But what do they have left? In their minds, the mysterious bone scan Eleanor Drechsel discovered back in November is still a major piece of incriminating evidence. They set out to investigate. The scan illuminates areas of bone growth. Hot spots. Terri has several, all over her body. They show abnormalities in places like her ribs, lower back, knees, and right femur. X-rays show the hot spot in her lower back is a compression fracture.
The radiologist’s report attributes the injuries to past trauma. Pat Anderson tracks down that radiologist—Dr. William Campbell Walker.
ANDERSON: I took the deposition of that doctor. He thought it was consistent with a traffic accident.
Walker says he was told to evaluate for trauma. That’s the note he got from Terri’s primary doctors. So, that was his guiding assumption. Walker says “the pattern of activity is fairly typical of multiple traumatic injuries of relatively recent origin.” And that injury to Terri’s femur? It’s a deep bone bruise. Walker says that kind of injury typically has to come from a direct blow.
Dr. James Carnahan views the scans differently. He’s Terri’s attending physician. Carnahan believes the hot spot in Terri’s femur must be HO—heterotopic ossification. HO is what happens when bone tissue develops in your soft tissues. It often occurs at sites of trauma or surgery. But those other hot spots showing up on the scan? “Not explained by the disease.”
Carnahan says maybe it was the anti-seizure drugs given to Terri after her collapse. Walker says those hot spots might be from “aggressive resuscitation efforts.”
Here’s Pat Anderson.
ANDERSON: For example, chest compressions, you know, trying to resuscitate her that could result in in frequently does it result in a cracked rib.
ANNA: Walker also says that Terri’s lower back fracture could have happened when she fell to the floor that night. The bottom line:
ANDERSON: All of her injuries, all of her fractures could be the result of alternative explanations besides physical violence from Michael.
LYNN: But Terri’s family keeps wondering. Here’s Bob Schindler.
BOB: There’s medical evidence that she had a neck injury. And as a doctor say she had no heart attack. And her ribs and the parts of her body suffered fractures. And there’s really no explanation for what her collapse was not at all.
They compile a 20-page report about the bone scan and its possible implications, and turn it in to the state attorney’s office.
BOB: We have evidence. And it’s a matter of getting access to additional evidence that's been under lock and key for all these years.
BOBBY: We have an enormous amount of circumstantial evidence as well as some medical evidence that can potentially contain a real ugly picture with what happened to Terri the night she collapsed...
A week later, a representative calls back. He tells them, “There are no crimes to investigate.”
BOBBY: The state attorney’s office told us that even if even if Michael did attempt to strangle her that evening, when she collapsed, he’s protected by a four year statute of limitations.
That’s Terri’s brother, Bobby.
BOBBY: And since it has been more than four years, that that protects him, and they will not investigate because of that.
LYNN: The Schindlers aren’t willing to take no for an answer. Bob calls up the St. Petersburg Police Department, but the detective on the line says the same thing. Bob, Bobby, Suzanne, and Pat Anderson march down to the police station to file a report anyway.
When Michael’s friend and former employer Dan Grieco finds out about the allegations, he’s furious.
GRIECO: Well, I knew it wasn’t true. But I was livid. They started to attack him to see if Michael, actually 12-13 years later, had created the issue in the first place. Want to talk fake? Now that’s really fake. You don’t commit a crime, because you don’t know how to give CPR. I mean, that’s not a crime.
LYNN: Even as the Schindlers try to build a case against Michael, there’s one major factor they’re overlooking.
When paramedics rushed Terri to the hospital early that morning in 1990, doctors ran dozens of tests, trying to figure out what was wrong, what had happened. Over the next ten weeks, doctors conducted 23 chest X-rays. Three CT scans. Two echocardiograms. Two abdominal X-rays, plus an ultrasound. One X-ray of Terri’s cervical spine. One x-ray of her right knee.
Not a single image found any evidence of fractures or trauma. None of those hot spots showed up.
ANNA: But the most thorough examination of Terri’s injuries came after her death…when Pinellas County’s chief medical examiner conducted an autopsy on Terri’s body. Dr. Jon Thogmartin found evidence of those HO bone growths all over Terri’s body. Not from any abuse or trauma, in his view…just a normal consequence of being bedridden for 15 years.
The autopsy confirms that she also had severe osteoporosis, which often causes compression fractures in the spine. Thogmartin concludes in his report: “By far, the most likely explanation for the bone scan findings in Ms. Schiavo are prolonged immobility osteoporosis and complicating HO in an environment of intense physical therapy.”
The bone scan is a dead end.
LYNN: In summer 2003, Michael’s fiancee, Jodi, finds out she’s pregnant again. That worries her. Michael’s critics have always used her as a weapon against him. Once they started having kids, things only became more complicated. Here’s Tom Broderson:
BRODERSON: He was living with another woman with with whom he had already had one baby. And then another. They had bought a home together, never divorced Terri.
LYNN: It’s a question people ask Jodi all the time. Why won’t Michael just divorce Terri and marry her? Jodi says that question offends her. She believes Michael has a duty to Terri, and her job is to support him in the fight.
Michael is splitting his time between Terri, Jodi, law offices, courtrooms, and his job. He works as a registered nurse in an emergency room in Pinellas County. His career choice is a direct result of what happened that night with Terri. Here’s Dan Grieco:
GRIECO: And I do think in some ways, this was because he didn’t know how to respond when she collapsed. He became an EMT, respiratory therapist, then he became a registered nurse.
ANNA: In his book, Michael writes that he loves the work. Saving lives gives him a sense of purpose.
One day in the ER, a patient right in front of him hits the floor with a heart attack. Michael props the man up, punching his chest with one hand and slamming the emergency button with the other. The man survives. Later, the patient brings food for the entire ER staff—a thank-you for saving his life.
But Michael can’t save everyone. He often sits with people, caring for them until their last breath. Family members still send him cards, “Thank you for being there with me when my mother died.” “Thanks for holding my hand.”
Those are the words Michael clings to as the battle over his wife’s life spills into the public square. He will hold onto his former patients’ words for the next two years—as strangers across America and around the world begin calling Michael a murderer…and even “the Angel of Death.”
LYNN: In August 2003, the Schindlers’ lawyers throw one last legal Hail Mary. Catholic attorney Chris Ferrara files suit in federal court, claiming Michael has violated Terri’s civil rights. Part of the goal is to get the case away from Judge Greer…maybe a different court will be more favorable to the Schindlers.
On October 10, 2003, five days before Terri’s death date, the judge rejects Ferrara’s complaint.
A defeated Pat Anderson calls up Bob Schindler. “It’s over,” she says. “There are no more rabbits in the hat.”
LYNN: Five days later, Terri’s feeding tube is removed once again.
After doctors take it out, one of Michael’s lawyers…Deborah Bushnell…comes to find him. They sit quietly, talking about Terri.
And now, her story is all over the news:
ANCHOR: The impact segment tonight 30 year old Terri Schiavo has been unable to communicate and suffering a heart attack 13 years ago right now she's in a hospice near St. Petersburg, Florida. Her husband wants to pull the plug. But her parents and brothers do not and are fighting the Florida courts to prevent her death. There’s also money involved…
LYNN: With their legal avenues exhausted, the Schindlers don’t know where to turn next. That’s when someone gives them a name: Randall Terry. He’s a pro-life activist…the controversial founder of the group Operation Rescue. Operation Rescue made news in the 1980s and 90s for its direct action protests at abortion clinics.
LYNN: By the time he throws in with the Schindlers, Terry has faded from the pro-life movement. Among some pro-life groups, he’s even discredited. The Schindlers are no activists. But maybe Randall Terry can bring more attention to their case.
Randall Terry agrees to join the Schindlers’ fight and travels to Pinellas Park. And it’s Terry who hands his cell phone to Suzanne Vitadamo. Tells her to call the governor and ask for a meeting.
ANNA: That’s how the Schindlers came to be speeding down the highway in that Toyota 4Runner …with Randall Terry —and his cowboy boots—in the back seat. In Plant City, the Schindlers tumble out of the truck and fight through a thicket of cameras.
Reporters walk backwards in front of them, shoving mics in the Schindlers’ faces, shouting questions. One slams into a tree—which Suzanne thinks is hilarious. Staff usher the family into a building and seat them in folding chairs. Soon, the governor arrives with his attorney and security detail. Bob shakes the governor’s hand…then bursts into tears.
The conversation is stiff and awkward—lots of small talk as both sides size each other up.
Then, Suzanne breaks in with a question. Mary still recalls the moment vividly.
MARY: She was so serious. And she said, “Governor Bush, can I ask you a question?” He said, “Sure.” She says, “Don’t you know, anybody, anybody in office that could help you? You know, or help us?” But everybody started laughing. Even Governor Bush, I mean, he said, he says I think I do you know. She didn’t even realize what she said. It was his brother that was president of the United States! And he just and he said, “I think I'll try to do something Suzanne,” you know, and he was just he was so nice.
Nice…but the governor doesn’t promise any specific course of action. The truth is, he doesn’t know what else he can legally do.
GIBBS: Originally, when I started hearing about it, I was like, Well, is this a case where the family just won’t let go? Or was this just a family dispute?
LYNN: This is David Gibbs. We’re meeting at his law offices in Clearwater, Gibbs is president and general counsel of the National Center for Life and Liberty. It’s a legal ministry that defends the rights of churches and other Christian groups.
GIBBS: I went to law school, wanting to help people. I tease that I’m a little bit of a frustrated social worker. I think that law is a tool if you can help hurting people help make a difference. And so that was kind of my passion and draw to it, trying to help people that a lot of times felt like they didn’t have a voice, whether it was a church or an individual or employee, as in Terri’s case, you know, I never anticipated that it would literally be a right to life case.
LYNN: In 2003, Gibbs is working with his father at the Gibbs Law Firm. He’s seen a few headlines about the Schiavo case, but doesn’t know much about it.
By this time, the Schindlers have a small army of supporters around the country…and the world. Several supporters have recommended Gibbs, but the Schindlers have been reluctant. It seems late in the game to bring in a new lawyer, and they don’t know what good it will do.
Still, time is slipping away, and the Schindlers are desperate.
And so, the week Terri’s feeding tube is set to come out, an exhausted Bob and Mary drag themselves into Gibbs’ conference room. It’s around 10 p.m. Nearly a dozen lawyers watch as they take their seats.
Gibbs remembers Mary laying a photo of Terri on the table in front of her and dabbing her eyes with a crumpled tissue. And he remembers that Bob didn’t pull any punches.
GIBBS: He had laid everything out. And he was out of options, basically, you know, everybody had pretty much said it was done. And he was like, Is there anything that you can do? …
LYNN: Gibbs doesn’t want to give the Schindlers false hope. From a legal perspective, this case is over. The Schindlers seem like good people and he hates to give them bad news. But he leans forward, adjusts his glasses, and levels with them.
GIBBS: And I said, Well, we’ll look at it looks really tough from a legal perspective. And, and Bob was very much like, you know, David, do everything you can to save my girl. But he said, if they end up killing my daughter, will you help me make sure that everybody knows what happened?
ANNA: With Terri’s feeding tube out, Bobby and Suzanne turn up the heat. They continue pleading Terri’s case in interview after interview.
BOBBY: We met with the governor on Wednesday and he committed to us that if there was a chance legally, for him to intervene, he gave us his word that he would. There’s still time. Um we saw Terri today. She’s still alert. In fact, when I went and saw her today, I leaned over, I gave her a kiss and I whispered in her ear, I said, hang in there Terri, I said, we’re gonna get you out of this mess. And she got a big smile on her face. So we’re very hopeful that we’re gonna save her from this.
ANNA: Terri’s plight is on the news all the time now. Michael isn’t able to dodge the spotlight. Reporters keep pestering him for his take on the situation.
MICHAEL: Terri has been through years and years of rehabilitation. There’s no more improvement for Terri.
ANNA: Outside the hospice, police line the streets. Protesters continue pouring in. Some are rowdy, and embarrass the Schindlers with bad language and shouting matches.
The Schindlers tell them to leave. But more zealots arrive to take their place. Some protestors hold up a banner printed with the words: “Governor Bush, where are you?” Each day, they mark the deadly advance of time: “Starvation Day 1…Starvation Day 2…Starvation Day 3.”
LYNN: On Friday, October 17, attorney David Gibbs learns about a special session of the Florida legislature scheduled for the coming Monday. Just three days away. It seems like a long-shot. By then, Terri will have been without food and water for five days.
Gibbs contacts Representative John Stargel, a Republican from Lakeland. Would it be possible to pass a bill designed to save Terri? Stargel agrees to give it a try. He asks Gibbs to provide a draft.
Gibbs and his team start right away. They work through the weekend, fielding calls from lawmakers as they go. They try to keep things quiet so that Felos doesn’t get wind of the bill and try to block it. But Felos already suspects his opponents might try a political fix.
FELOS: We knew when the opponents ran out of their judicial options that the they were going to try some legislative, some legislative avenue here. And we kept saying, “No, there’s no way they can get a bill passed in, in one day, or two days, or three days or something like that.
But he’s underestimated the power of the pro-life lobby.
ANNA: By this time, Randall Terry has taken charge of the Schindlers’ operations outside the hospice, directing the family to rent an RV and stake out the building.
The Schindlers set up their motor home in a parking lot across from the hospice where Terri is. Stephanie Willets is the owner of an odds-and-ends shop there. Already, she’s opened her business to the family as a headquarters. A makeshift base soon springs up around them.
By now, the Schindlers have started a website: “Terrisfight.org.” And they’ve launched a petition, still hoping Governor Jeb Bush will step in. Glenn Beck heads up the media pressure on the governor.
BOBBY: Because Glenn was hammering Bush, what seemed like every day when he went national for Jeb to do something, to get involved. He’s really the reason that we started receiving the national attention…
ANNA: Pressure on the governor hits fever-pitch. The Schindlers’ petition gains over one-hundred-fifty-thousand signatures. If things weren’t political before, they are now. The Schindlers don’t care. They’re willing to be used for an agenda…if it will save Terri’s life.
LYNN: It’s early Monday morning, October 20. Gibbs’ staff rushes a document to the Capitol. Stargel introduces it just hours later. The proposed legislation is known as “Terri’s Bill.” It allows the governor “to issue a one-time stay to prevent withholding of nutrition and hydration from a patient.”
The House passes the bill 68 to 23 and sends it on to the Senate. That’s where the operation hits a major roadblock: His name? Senator Jim King.
FELOS: And Senator King is one of the architects of Florida’s living wills statute and statutory right to die law.
LYNN: In 1990, King spearheaded the Florida law that allowed terminally ill patients to decline artificial nutrition. That law laid the foundation for the Florida Supreme Court’s Browning decision—redefining feeding tubes as “life support” and allowing Felos to argue before Greer that Terri’s feeding tube violated her wish not to be kept alive by artificial means. King sees that bill as his “legacy.”
Now, he’s concerned that Terri’s Bill will undo his work, and set a precedent of lawmakers interfering in the lives of private citizens.
ANNA: That’s the argument Felos makes: This is government overreach. The legislative branch overriding the judicial branch. Lawmakers shouldn’t be able to do that.
But the Schindlers have unleashed a massive PR campaign. Concerned citizens bombard Jim King’s office. Phone calls. Faxes. Emails.
FELOS: There was a massive electronic lobbying effort through telephone and emails in Tallahassee that basically took their system offline, that overwhelmed them.
ANNA: George Felos calls up Jim King.
FELOS: I said, “We know what’s happening here is not right.” He says, “I know. I know it’s not right.” And I said, “Is there anything that I can do to help you in your efforts, if there’s some way to derail this process?” And I remember so clearly, with anguish in his voice, he said to me, “There’s a big boulder rolling down a hill. And the only thing any of us can do is get out of the way.”
ANNA: At last, King agrees to allow Terri’s Bill—but only under certain conditions. He gets to rewrite the bill and introduce it to the Senate himself.
Gibbs takes the deal. The new version of the bill is much narrower in scope—and less constitutionally viable, Gibbs thinks. But it’s his only choice. The Schindlers track the debate on the legislature floor from their base outside the hospice. Their hopes rise and fall with each new twist.
ANNA: Then, on Tuesday, October 21, the Senate votes.
KING: Have All members voted?
SECRETARY: 23 yeas 15 nays, Mr. President.
KING: And so by your action House Bill 35E has passed. I really do hope that we’ve done the right thing. I keep on thinking what if Terri didn’t want this to happen at all? May God have mercy on all of us.
ANNA: The House quickly approves the bill and Governor Bush signs it into law.
ANCHOR: Jeb Bush says he will not allow a severely brain damaged, comatose woman to die. Despite the fact that the Florida courts have ruled that the feeding tube which keeps her alive may be removed. And late today the Florida Legislature authorized the governor to keep her alive.
ANNA: Outside the hospice, crowds cheer and cameras roll.
AMBI: Cheering outside the hospital as the ambulance comes…
ANDERSON: I can tell you that there were whistles and clapping and tears of joy and screens outside hospice. When those FDLE agents went in to get her to put her in that ambulance and took her up to Morton Plant. I mean, it was a scene of jubilation.
ANNA: Jeb Bush calls to congratulate the Schindlers. The family breathes a sigh of relief as they watch an ambulance whisk Terri away yet again…this time to reinsert her feeding tube
LYNN: But… it still isn’t over. At 8 p.m. that same day, Gibbs receives a troubling phone call: Doctors at the hospital are refusing to reinsert Terri’s feeding tube. George Felos believes Terri’s Law is deeply unconstitutional. In fact, he’s outraged:
FELOS: Governor Bush sent the state police to hospice. These were armed men, who called hospice beforehand and said, we're coming to get Terri and don't stand in our way. And they had an ambulance and the Florida Department of law enforcement came with without her guardian’s consent, without her consent, wheeled her away to our local hospital where a feeding tube was to be inserted
LYNN: The ink on Terri’s Law is still wet when Felos starts fighting back.
FELOS: I immediately filed a suit in the civil court for declaratory judgment, declaring the law unconstitutional and seeking an immediate injunction
LYNN: Gibbs knows there’s no time to lose. He’s busy handling things with the governor’s office, trying to get Felos to back down. He needs a guy on the ground to make sure the governor’s order is enforced and Terri gets her feeding tube back. And attorney Rex Sparklin is just the man for the job.
GIBBS: Rex was working with me. And yes, he was a go-getter, kind of guy, scrappy…
LYNN: Sparklin snatches up a copy of the order, jumps in his truck, and hits the gas.
ANNA: As Sparklin speeds through the night, Gibbs puts in a call to Dr. Jay Carpenter. He’s the former chief of staff at Morton Plant Hospital, and he’s sympathetic to Terri’s plight.
Gibbs is afraid the hospital may not allow Sparklin inside. Dr. Carpenter agrees to meet him there.
Sure enough, when Sparklin arrives at Morton Plant, a guard stops him at the door. But just at that moment, the automatic doors swish open. A man steps out and addresses himself to the guard: “I am Dr. Carpenter, and this man is with me.”
Those magic words do the trick. The guard allows Carpenter to escort Sparklin inside. They hurry through the hallways to an administrator’s office. Sparklin passes off a copy of the governor’s order.
But the administrator seems unimpressed. She tells Sparklin it’s not her decision to make—that responsibility rests squarely with the ER doctor. Plus, Michael Schiavo’s lawyers have promised to sue if they reinsert Terri’s feeding tube.
But Sparklin doesn’t back down. He calls Gibbs on the phone, loudly discussing the details of a wrongful death suit.
GIBBS: And Rex was, you know, a masterful negotiator and obviously, strategically, got himself in the right place at the right time to, you know, have these calls and to work through that.
ANNA: It leaves the hospital in a bind. If they act, Michael will sue them…If they don’t, the Schindlers will.
GIBBS: So there was a lot of posturing.
LYNN: Dr. Carpenter speaks up with a compromise. He offers to meet with the doctor on duty and discuss the situation. The admin agrees, but insists on going with Carpenter to the ER. Just before midnight, Carpenter returns. He tells Sparklin he can’t discuss the details of Terri’s care, but assures him she will be treated. Late that night, Terri receives fluids for the first time in seven days. It’s the day before Bob Schindler’s birthday.
Gibbs says it was a narrow escape.
GIBBS: But if we or someone like us had not been advocating at that point, for Terri, and taking the good work of the governor and his staff, and leveraging that, Terri might have died. And all of that effort would have been futile.
ANNA: Soon after, on December 3, 2003, the Schindlers gather for another celebration of Terri’s life: Her 40th birthday. Friends throw a party at the hospice and set up tables on the lawn. Dozens of guests attend.
Mary decorates Terri’s room with cards and ribbons. The family crowds around her to sing happy birthday. They offer slices of cake to all the hospice nurses—even the unfriendly ones.
Suzanne marvels at how young and beautiful Terri still looks. She has some streaks of gray in her hair, but Suzanne is surprised to find she has more wrinkles than Terri does.
But with Michael and Felos fighting Terri’s Law, Mary can’t help but wonder how many more birthdays Terri has left.
ANNA: Lawless is a production of WORLD Radio. Paul Butler is our executive producer and sound engineer. Music by Will Shehan. Lawless is reported and written by Grace Snell, Lynn Vincent, and me, Anna Johansen Brown. For more resources related to this and other episodes, visit LawlessPodcast.com. Thanks for joining us.
SPONSORSHIP MESSAGE: Additional support comes from Compelled Podcast. Listen to unique and compelling testimonies like Ron Adkins, who at the age of 19, was sentenced to almost 500 years in prison. Ron's violence eventually led him to solitary confinement for over a decade where he was told he would remain until he died. Condemned by society and separated from humanity, Ron knew that he was utterly alone...or was he? Listen on your favorite podcast app or at CompelledPodcast.com.
(In order of appearance)
FOX News: Rita Cosby, Bobby, Suzanne [10/18/03], video from Terri Schiavo archives at Ave Maria University
FOX News: Hannity and Colmes, Bob Schindler, William Hammesfhar [10/23/2003], video from Terri Schiavo archives at Ave Maria University
FOX News: Hannity and Colmes, Bob Schindler, Mary Schindler [11/17/2003], video from Terri Schiavo archives at Ave Maria University
FOX News: At Large with Geraldo Rivera, Bobby Schindler, Bob Schindler [10/26/2003], video from Terri Schiavo archives at Ave Maria University
FOX News: Rita Cosby, Bobby Schindler, Suzanne Schindler [10/18/03], video from Terri Schiavo archives at Ave Maria University
FOX News: Bobby Schindler, Bob Schindler [7/28/03], video from Terri Schiavo archives at Ave Maria University
FOX News: Rita Cosby, Bobby Schindler, Suzanne Schindler [10/18/03], video from Terri Schiavo archives at Ave Maria University
The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer [10/22/03], video from American Archives of Public Broadcasting
George Felos - Lessons From the Schiavo Case Part 2, Youtube video by George Felos & Meditation For Lawyers
Between Life & Death - the Terri Schiavo Story, Vimeo video by beanfieldproductions
WORLD Radio transcripts are created on a rush deadline. This text may not be in its final form and may be updated or revised in the future. Accuracy and availability may vary. The authoritative record of WORLD Radio programming is the audio record.
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