Christian Opinions On Today's News | WORLD
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Why is Europe up in arms over abortion in America?

Why is Europe up in arms over abortion in America?

Brad Littlejohn | Progressives on both sides of the Atlantic have a vision of inevitable “progress”

Andrew T. Walker | The rules of the progressive playbook

Steven Wedgeworth | Understanding his promotion of Christianity for young men

Daniel Huizinga | Social media is destroying our culture


Carl R. Trueman | Three selfish assumptions dismiss any thought of obligation toward another living human being

Brad Littlejohn | The Dobbs decision represented a return to text, tradition, and restraint

William Inboden | The pros and cons of dealing with the Middle East’s most influential Arab nation

Kevin DeYoung | Where should Christians draw the line?

Allie Beth Stuckey | The singer’s about-face on gender ideology looks like a hostage video

A.S. Ibrahim | Lack of Muslim assimilation leads to a clash of worldviews