Reality intrudes on MrBeast | WORLD
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Reality intrudes on MrBeast

Will the YouTube star attempt to indoctrinate young children with transgender propaganda?

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You may not know who MrBeast is but chances are your children do. Jimmy Donaldson, his real name, is arguably the world’s most popular YouTube star whose main channel boasts 164 million subscribers. The videos he and his “bros” produce include tricks, stunts, and, recently, outrageous acts of charity. Enormously popular among young people, Donaldson has won numerous Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Awards and was recently named by Time as one of the most influential people in America.

Recently, conservatives have defended Donaldson, whose philanthropy has included building homes for tornado survivors, donating shoes to children in Africa, and paying for thousands of surgeries to cure blindness. Liberals inexplicably criticized these acts of generosity. But now, Donaldson is facing new scrutiny, a criticism worth considering, thanks to one of his YouTube co-stars, Chris Tyson.

Earlier this month, Tyson revealed he had been undergoing hormone replacement therapy in an attempt (a futile attempt, I’ll add) to transition to a female. This is a significant development for the MrBeast community. Tyson is not merely a bit player in this enterprise but a close friend and partner in this multimillion-dollar business. Donaldson has not yet featured a video with Tyson’s new identity but has been vocal in support of his colleague. It is also documented online that Tyson had made supportive comments about a type of pedophilic anime pornography. That fact raises speculation as to the association between Tysons’ transition and its relationship to autogynephilia, a form of sexual deviancy that relies upon erotic conceptions of one’s self and what some medical doctors explain as a contributing factor of male-to-female transitions.

This is a troublesome development for fans of the young YouTube star. Donaldson’s audience has been carefully cultivated over the years, attracting young viewers with fun but clean content that parents can trust, like other creators such as Dude Perfect. But with a platform comes responsibility, and now concerned parents will be understandably wary of a channel they thought they could trust. Will MrBeast become one more entertainment outlet intent on indoctrinating young children with transgender propaganda?

Genuine friendship isn’t synonymous with affirmation of wrong decisions. Instead, disagreeing is often a form of neighbor love.

The question before Donaldson is one he likely thought he could escape. His initial response—likely born out of a desire to be a good friend—has him now affirming Tyson’s selfish choice. Genuine friendship isn’t synonymous with affirmation of wrong decisions. Instead, disagreeing is often a form of neighbor love. Let’s remember that the fallout from Tyson’s move isn’t limited to himself. It adversely affects those around him. He’s abandoning a young wife and young child. Is this the message Donaldson wants to communicate to millions of America’s young children?

Donaldson, who grew up evangelical but seems to have abandoned his faith, proves that even if you are not interested in the culture wars, the culture wars might be interested in you. In an interview with Rolling Stone, he shared his confusion, “It’s such a sensitive topic for so many people around here,” he said. “I believe there is a God, but there are so many different religions and so many people who believe passionately about these things. It’s hard to know which [religion] is right.”

Without a relationship with God through Christ and the regenerating power of the Holy Spirit, it is no wonder Donaldson is yielding to the spirit of the age. The commanding heights of culture will help shape your ethic if you are not anchored to the truth. This is not merely a lesson for YouTube creators who find success. It’s a lesson for everyone, especially Christians. When it comes to the nature of reality, of accepting the givenness of God’s good design for maleness and femaleness, there is no neutral ground. “To be friend of the world,” James 4:4 warns us, “is to be at enmity with God.”

As for Donaldson, it’s not too late to change course. We should pray that he resists the temptation—and surefire media adulation—to propagandize America’s young children. We should pray for the young family left behind by Tyson’s transition. And we should pray that prodigals—captured by the false promises of the sexual revolution—will come home.

Daniel Darling

Daniel is director of the Land Center for Cultural Engagement at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. His forthcoming book is Agents of Grace. He is also a bestselling author of several other books, including The Original Jesus, The Dignity Revolution, The Characters of Christmas, The Characters of Easter, and A Way With Words, and the host of a popular weekly podcast, The Way Home. Dan holds a bachelor’s degree in pastoral ministry from Dayspring Bible College, has studied at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and is a graduate of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He and his wife, Angela, have four children.

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