Christian Opinions On Today's News | WORLD
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“Look out for theocracy!”

“Look out for theocracy!”

David C. Innes | Beware of scare tactics from secular gatekeepers trying to reorder society in their own image

Daniel R. Suhr | Modern concepts of transgender identity run into conflict with sex offender registries

Carl R. Trueman | Abortion and sexual ethics built upon individual desire rather than social responsibility

Samuel D. James | The desperation of pro-abortion activists is showing


Dean Nelson | By all accounts, the justice refuses to hate back

R. Albert Mohler Jr. | The nation’s moral collapse is becoming increasingly bipartisan

Daniel Darling | The Democratic Party’s hard move to the left isn’t pleasing many Hispanics

A.S. Ibrahim | A bad showing for presidential leadership in Saudi Arabia

Katelyn Walls Shelton | Pregnancy resource centers face threats from members of Congress

Bethel McGrew | A generation of disconnected young men who make an idol out of violence