Christian Opinions On Today's News | WORLD
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A delusion of Olympic proportions

A delusion of Olympic proportions

Barton J. Gingerich | Using the Games as a showcase for moral degeneracy

A.S. Ibrahim | Just judge its leader in Gaza by his words

Carl R. Trueman | About the opening ceremony at the Paris Olympics

William Inboden | And America’s support is essential


Nathan A. Finn | Anti-Israel protesters were a national embarrassment during Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit last week

Andrew D. Carico | The president’s withdrawal speech was full of telling contradictions about our country’s founding and governance

A.S. Ibrahim | Kamala Harris’ inexperience shows a lack of understanding of the Middle East

Ted Kluck | The last four weeks have us spinning, but Christians need not fear what’s next

Jonathon Van Maren | The move away from social conservatism erodes the last political bulwark against the sexual revolution

Hunter Baker | Kamala Harris may not have been a “czar,” but she needs to own the immigration crisis