TRENDING | Young singles ditch dating apps for meaningful connections
BOOKS | Booker Prize–winning novel depicts characters ground down by power but steadfast in hope
BOOKS | The lives of Charles and Lettie Cowman
BOOKS | Benjamin Watson offers a rallying cry against abortion
CHILDREN’S BOOKS | Reviews of four books featuring black characters
MOVIE | German film tells an intense story of middle school scandal, but the credits roll too soon
MOVIE | Biopic of the Jamaican reggae star relies too much on a hackneyed formula and fictitious backstory
TELEVISION | William Shatner takes viewers on a tour of mysteries and marvels new and old, including the Biblical flood
MOVIE | A boy with irrational fears takes a journey with fantastical but friendly nighttime beings
MUSIC | A Christian-music underground flourishes online
MUSIC | Reviews of four albums
TELEVISION | Apple TV+ series offers a memorable retelling of the harrowing air war over Europe