TRENDING | Does Hollywood need a swear jar?
BOOKS | Discipleship guide dabbles in pre-Reformation errors
BOOKS | Confronting cancer with beauty and theology
BOOKS | Spirituality, though not Christ, is central in Sun House
CHILDREN’S BOOKS | Reviews of four books for toddlers
BOOKS | In two new novels, family histories ripple into the present
MOVIE | Complex characters cope with dashed dreams in a comedic yet melancholy story about a dysfunctional 1970s Christmas
MOVIE | Animated adventure about a boy and magical tiger weaves Chinese mythology into a derivative take on the Asian American experience
TELEVISION | Historical drama follows a trio of Jamaican women seeking a better life in Britain
MOVIE | Netflix’s gorgeously shot heist film relies on clichés and a predictable plot
MUSIC | Hit compilation stays mostly faithful to its era
MUSIC | Reviews of four albums