TRENDING | Authors of speculative fiction look for a home in Christian publishing
BOOKS | New book dismantles the materialist account of reality
BOOKS | The South’s overlooked role in the Revolutionary War
BOOKS | Three books offer sobering perspectives on how the culture views childbirth
BOOKS | Psychology, children’s fiction, economic history, and more
CHILDREN’S BOOKS | Into the worlds of Lewis, Tolkien, and Bletchley Park
CHILDREN’S BOOKS | Four books to inspire courage
QUEST | Three books that shaped my thinking
MOVIE | Election-season Christian film misses opportunity to distinguish political power from gospel power
MOVIE | Entertaining Transformers prequel offers action and humor, but as a true origin story, it’s less than convincing
DOCUMENTARY | Endorsement deals have changed the lives of college athletes, not always for the better
MUSIC | The no-frills Christian music of Ben English
MUSIC | Reviews of four new albums
MUSIC | The final chapter for a Japanese composer
MASTERWORKS | A look at the Isenheim Altarpiece
The Extinction of Experience mourns the loss of making analog memories
MUSIC | Reviews of four albums
DOCUMENTARY | Matt Walsh confronts white guilt in humorous, sometimes absurd scenarios caught on camera
Good questions and faulty solutions in Embracing Hope
Classical pastoring in Ancient Wisdom for the Care of Souls
BOOKS | Keeping the Faith inherits and perpetuates worn-out prejudices