WORLD Magazine - Culture | Vol. 38, No. 17 | WORLD
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Vol. 38, No. 17
All over the board
All over the board

TRENDING | Athletes face disparate treatment in the wake of sexual misconduct accusations

A search for the good life
A search for the good life

BOOKS | From Stoics to Epicureans to ancient Christians

Selling to tribes
Selling to tribes

BOOKS | An inside scoop on modern marketing

Beyond checks and pills
Beyond checks and pills

BOOKS | A memoir indicts America’s mental health system

Wrestling with life questions
Wrestling with life questions

CHILDREN’S BOOKS | Reviews of four books for young readers and teens

Action and intrigue
Action and intrigue

BOOKS | Four new novels provide plenty of suspense

<em>The Hill</em>
The Hill

MOVIE | Sports film inspires but falls into a familiar prosperity gospel trap

<em>Down for Love</em>
Down for Love

TELEVISION | Dating show celebrates people with Down syndrome

<em>Gran Turismo</em>
Gran Turismo

MOVIE | A surprisingly engrossing race-car film tracks a video gamer’s thrilling ascent to real races

Box Office Top 10
Box Office Top 10

MOVIES | Top films for the weekend of Aug. 18-20

<em>The Monkey King</em>
The Monkey King

MOVIE | A primate with superpowers searches for immortality in an animated retelling of a Chinese legend

A supreme talent’s curtain call
A supreme talent’s curtain call

MUSIC | But Tony Bennett’s robust voice will live on

New and noteworthy
New and noteworthy

MUSIC | Reviews of four albums