News Magazines for Christians | Vol. 29, No. 13 | WORLD
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June 28, 2014 | Vol. 29, No. 13

Words on paper

Janie B. Cheaney | Three reasons for pessimism, and three more for optimism, about the future of printed books

June 28, 2014 | Vol. 29, No. 13

Books of the Year

Janie B. Cheaney, Marvin Olasky | Excellence in popular theology, history, and analysis

June 28, 2014 | Vol. 29, No. 13

Topical paradise

Janie B. Cheaney | The best books on subjects ranging from the Earth’s beginning to internet innovation

June 28, 2014 | Vol. 29, No. 13

Seven more fat years

Marvin Olasky | 160 reading recommendations, 2007–2014

June 28, 2014 | Vol. 29, No. 13

Unequally yoked

Warren Cole Smith | Can Christian publishers owned by secular companies maintain their Christian distinctives?



A century ago

Onto the world war treadmill

Box Office Top 10

Words and Pictures


Finding virtue

<em>Edge of Tomorrow</em> is a sci-fi movie for the thinking man

The old ballgame

The Baseball Project adds to its impressive lineup of albums about America’s pastime
Notable CDs

Notable CDs

New or recent pop-rock&nbsp;albums
A team effort

A team effort

David Jeremiah shares marketing secrets that help Christian authors like him find readers

Run for the children
Drew Burnett will race through the Appalachian Trail to raise money for orphans in Uganda
Autonomous autos
Google and carmakers want to bring self-driving cars to a road near you
Houses of God
St. Giles' Cathedral
Edinburgh, Scotland
Bailout fever
Timothy Geithner claims massive bailouts saved the economy, but reasons for skepticism remain
Code blue
Emergency workers say more people are using the ER since Obamacare took effect
Midwest models
True compassion’s social and political effects are on display in Indianapolis