WORLD Magazine - Culture | Vol. 28, No. 13 | WORLD
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Vol. 28, No. 13
Aliens and strangers
Aliens and strangers
As the West declines, says author Os Guinness, Christians will need to be a faithful counter-culture engaged with a world very different than what we’ve known
Box Office Top 10
For the weekend of June 7-9 according to Box Office Mojo
Mothers know best
Mothers know best
<em>The Fosters</em> presents an idealized, fantasy view of homosexual parenting
Notable CDs
Notable CDs
New or recent pop-rock releases
Yeast in the dough
Yeast in the dough
A secular environment, says pianist Alex McDonald, is the right place for his Christian calling
Tyrants real and imagined
Tyrants real and imagined
From ludicrous to lively, five books about leaders