News Magazines for Christians | Vol. 28, No. 13 | WORLD
Sound journalism, grounded in facts and Biblical truth | Donate
June 29, 2013 | Vol. 28, No. 13

Making tracks

Marvin Olasky | Superb reporting and storytelling about a modern-day underground railroad make Melanie Kirkpatrick's Escape from North Korea WORLD’s Book of the Year

Portraits of grace

Jamie Dean | Three biographies testifying to God’s work in mankind

Grand stories

Emily Belz, Timothy Lamer | A look at Nixon as VP, a tour of New York’s Grand Central Terminal, and a history of Thomas Becket’s battle with a king

War wounds

Edward Lee Pitts | A closer look at three costly—but pivotal—battles spanning U.S. history

Aging badly

Warren Cole Smith | Two books celebrating 50th anniversaries in the past year offered cures worse than the disease

Commodity control

Mindy Belz | Two books highlight two different approaches to Africa’s resources

Pushing against paradigms

Daniel James Devine | Science books proposing new perspectives on drugs, death, and design

Road signs

Angela Lu Fulton | Three books geared for millennials wrestling with cultural questions

Paranormal push

Janie B. Cheaney | Deluge of supernatural young adult novels produce plots with mangled biblical truths

Winsome whodunits

Leigh Jones | Three light-hearted cozy mysteries offer gentler fare for lazy summer days

Sports report

J.C. Derrick | Books tell of sins and swings in the sports world

Rib ticklers

Albin Sadar | Jokes, bloopers, stories, and quotes to keep you laughing

Digital dynamite

Angela Lu Fulton | Once a curious novelty, e-books have exploded in popularity

Self-published standouts

Mary Sue Daoud, Susan Olasky | The top 10 self-published books to cross WORLD's desk this year

Reading with boys

Emily Belz | Children’s authors work to draw boys into books in the age of distraction


Tyrants real and imagined

From ludicrous to lively, five books about leaders

Mothers know best

<em>The Fosters</em> presents an idealized, fantasy view of homosexual parenting

Man of Steel


Box Office Top 10

For the weekend of June 7-9 according to Box Office Mojo

Yeast in the dough

A secular environment, says pianist Alex McDonald, is the right place for his Christian calling
Notable CDs

Notable CDs

New or recent pop-rock releases
Aliens and strangers

Aliens and strangers

As the West declines, says author Os Guinness, Christians will need to be a faithful counter-culture engaged with a world very different than what we’ve known

Power hacking
Electric utilities are a growing target for international cyberattacks
'The Fed is the market'
What happens when the price of things no longer reflect their true value?
Numbered victims
Experts try to get an accurate yearly count of Christian martyrs
Goals in mind
Neuroscientists debate objectives behind a splashy $3 billion brain mapping effort
Houses of God
Church of Our Lady
Iqrit, Israel
Patriot games
The Tim Tebow circus is headed for New England
Replanting time
Pastor finds he can reap harvest in an unlikely place for church growth