WORLD Magazine - Features | Vol. 26, No. 10 | WORLD
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Vol. 26, No. 10
Where thousands fell
Where thousands fell
Visiting Civil War battlefields 150 years after the great conflict began
Vengeance on the prairie
Vengeance on the prairie
Two ethics investigations have cleared former Kansas prosecutor Phill Kline of allegations that he mishandled evidence in abortion cases, but he's now facing a third.
May Day Mayday
May Day Mayday
The death of Osama bin Laden marks the important end of one jihadist era.
Raising the roof
Raising the roof
Political pressure is growing to increase the nation's debt ceiling, but many House Republicans say raising it without spending reform would be the truly irresponsible path
Borders war
Borders war
Little-noticed redistricting fights could determine the tilt of political power for the next decade
Zoned out
Zoned out
A proposed mosque in New Jersey heats up the debate over local restrictions and religious freedom