News Magazines for Christians | Vol. 24, No. 13 | WORLD
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July 4, 2009 | Vol. 24, No. 13

Book of the Year

Marvin Olasky | It’s based on the best-selling book of all time, but WORLD’s 2009 winner takes Bible study to new levels

The best of the last

Marvin Olasky | Our contest for the best last lines of books drew some great entries

'One heart' solution

Rusty Leonard | Christian ministries believe the gospel is the key to Middle East peace

News to watch in the weeks to come

Sticking by the Bible

Marvin Olasky | A 500th birthday biography of Calvin shows a complex man with a singular belief who delivered the church from medievalism

Nancy M. Tischler | Novelists who make Him the main character find many ways to answer the question, "Who do you say that I am?

The story of Scripture

Marvin Olasky | When Sally Lloyd-Jones lost her job, her career as an author began

Do it yourself

Susan Olasky | Self-publishing is the bright spot in a gloomy bookselling environment.

Booksellers breakdown

Warren Cole Smith | Technological innovations plus economic uncertainty equal transitions in Christian book market

The irrepressible thirst for liberty

Mindy Belz | Tehran protests show no less driving force than the freedom movements that felled the Berlin Wall and ushered in U.S.

Man knows not his time

Edward E. Plowman | Mission pioneer Ralph Winter saw clearly what seemed to others impossible

America's debt to John Calvin

John Piper | The personal pervasiveness of God's sovereignty

Breaking old patterns

Jamie Dean | With North Korea, despite UN resolve, it will be hard


Independence Day reading

Two views of America and some worthwhile investigations of John Calvin

Movie with a message

Filmmakers hope Soraya M. prompts soul-searching and action

Impractical magic

The Proposal asks for too much suspension of disbelief

One to forget

Year One is caveman drama best left in the Stone Age

Trying to heal

Away We Go has the ethos of a post-tradition society

Evolving humor

DVD shows the growth of funnyman Dennis Miller
Notable CDs

Notable CDs

Four noteworthy new CDs reviewed by Arsenio Orteza