Lynn Vincent | Christian publishers reach for a share of the secular market, mainstream publishers jostle for Christian market share-and readers win from the competition
Priya Abraham | Chinese leaders say a new law protects religious liberty, but unregistered house churches seem to be facing repression as usual
Marvin Olasky | Scientists and ethicists explore the brave new frontier of cyborg citizens, transhuman democracies, altered embryos, and tropical hair
Lauren Winner | The greatest mystery is why the genre's minister-detectives are so liberal
Edward Lee Pitts | Military handovers begin next month-and Iraq's new army still has a long way to go
Susan Olasky | Looking for reading ideas for summer-sated middle schoolers?
Gene Edward Veith | An upcoming Narnia movie means rich new book releases
Marvin Olasky | Author Philip Caputo explores Africa, jihad, fanaticism, and faith
Mindy Belz | Algae bloom takes the bloom off summertime rituals
Jamie Dean | Showdown nears over how best to preserve the flag
Edward E. Plowman | The president makes the prayer breakfast rounds, the pope discusses unity with liberal Protestants, and other religion news