Gene Edward Veith | WORLD
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Gene Edward Veith

Gene is a former WORLD culture editor.

Articles by Gene Edward Veith
Discovering vocation with your kids (with Dr. Gene Veith)

Discovering vocation with your kids (with Dr. Gene Veith)

What is the doctrine of vocation? And how can it help your kids and teens see God's love in everyday life? Kelsey Reed and Chelsea Boes interview Dr. Gene Veith on today’s episode.

In 1999, WORLD took a tour of the nation’s worldview warehouses

Gene Edward Veith | Nearly 200 years later, how Charles Dickens changed the literary landscape

Gene Edward Veith | A return to Luther's doctrine of vocation would mean a return to God's priorities for our lives-and a return to being more effective salt and light in the world


The worldview of the "Social Democracy" America is heading toward

Stephen King retraces his "dark" Christianity

Yes, but the outsider has an advantage

Denver may be a signal of things to come

Why do parents support anti-parent education?

Obama and the danger of a divinized ruler