News Magazines for Christians | Vol. 17, No. 26 | WORLD
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July 7, 2002 | Vol. 17, No. 26

A look in the mirror

Gene Edward Veith | BOOKS SPECIAL REPORT | Books-how they're written and who writes them, the ideas they fight over, and the unpleasant implications they ignore-tell a lot about a culture

July 7, 2002 | Vol. 17, No. 26

I'm a hearse watcher

Les Sillars |


Timothy Lamer | $3.8 billion swept under the rug?

A funny thing happened on the way from the Forum: IBS, Zondervan rapped for claiming "consensus," causing "confusion"

Cal Thomas | Former Israeli prime minister praises Bush's Palestinian proposal

Bob Jones | "Father of vouchers" Milton Friedman tells WORLD the high court has freed legislatures to make school-choice decisions-by ending the "endless litigation"

Chris Stamper | From intelligent design to pop culture, from Christian apologetics to politics, 12 contemporary authors do what they do best: pontificate, Q & A style

Sam Torode | "Pronoun envy" or just another weapon to fight the battle against the "subjugation of women"?

Gene Edward Veith | The rise of historical fiction and narrative history-which often takes God into account through richly detailed stories of the era-marks a positive cultural trend

Gene Edward Veith | Sales of Christian books are so strong, secular sellers are looking to grab a slice of the lucrative market.

Marvin Olasky | With boomers graying and starting to ponder the end of their lives, here's an opportunity for publishers to get ahead of the curve and produce meaningful, challenging books.

Tim Graham | The Top 5 news stories as measured by coverage in The Washington Post, USA Today, and NBC Nightly News over a one-week period from June 19 to 25


Minority Report card

Steven Spielberg's science-fiction thriller is one of the famed director's best, if also one of his edgiest, movies