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Selected specks

Small doesn’t mean insignificant in this vast universe

Like jets in flight, the marvels of creation bear fingerprints of design

Charissa Koh | 2019 Hope Awards Northwest winner Watered Gardens | At a gospel rescue mission, men have a chance to escape the spiral of drugs, homelessness, and joblessness. But it isn’t easy, and many do not make it to the end

Charissa Koh | 2019 Hope Awards Northeast winner Purposeful Design | A carpentry shop offers ex-addicts and homeless the chance to build furniture, friendship, and a future


Marvin Olasky | 2019 Hope Awards International winner 20schemes | How a Scottish ministry works in hard places to show the poor and addicted the riches of new life in Christ

Letters from our readers

Charissa Koh | 2019 Hope Awards Southwest winner Little Light Christian School | This Christian school’s mission is to love the children of prisoners—but traumatic backgrounds make the work a marathon of trusting God

Why an Asian American band took its controversial trademark battle to the Supreme Court—and how its frontman saw humanity in others

Four picture books about animals