Susan Olasky | WORLD
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Susan Olasky

Susan Olasky

Susan is a former WORLD book reviewer, story coach, feature writer, and editor. She has authored eight historical novels for children and resides with her husband, Marvin, in Austin, Texas.

Follow Susan Olasky on Twitter @susanolasky

Articles by Susan Olasky
2021 Deaths

2021 Deaths

Susan Olasky |

A novel and three nonfiction books about India

Pitcher J.R. Richard was a baseball star before falling to illness and homelessness. As he recovered, he ministered to others struggling like him

Four novels, old and new


Singing helped concentration camp survivor David Wisnia endure World War II atrocities

Interesting and evocative food memoirs

Susan Olasky | In 1997 WORLD uncovered a plan to reshape the most popular English translation of the Bible

Chloe Baker, Grace Kenyon, Stephanie Morton, Susan Olasky | Retailers and restaurants are lining up for eggs that come from cage-free chickens. How did the cause go from animal rights activists’ pet project to the mainstream?

Four nonfiction books

Four historical novels about anti-Semitism